New Members Join the Mindrolling Monastery Administration Team

New administration at Mindrolling Monastery-June 2020

The day after the Saga Dawa full moon day, 6th June 2020, senior members of Mindrolling Monastery administration team gathered at the Kudung Lhakhang to receive their new administrative positions for the year.

Each year, the day after Saga Dawa marks a new year of practice and study for the monastery.

Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche along with the administrative team welcomed the new staff members, thanked the outgoing staff members and met to go over the upcoming plans for this coming year’s curriculum and studies and all the new developments and changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was delightful to have so many new members join the administrative team this year. The entire Sangha of monks are all very grateful for their devoted service and tireless efforts in seeing to the continued care of Mindrolling Monastery. This group of senior managers, the principal and teachers, secretaries, gekös, chöpöns, maintenance managers, the kitchen and medical staff, managers for the shops and guest houses etc. will see to every aspect of the education, discipline and administration of Mindrolling Monastery and its monks. May their hard work and devotion ensure that the authentic teachings of the Buddhadharma flourish.