Kama’i Tshogchen Düpa Drubchö

Beginning on October 18th, 2021, the Kama’i Tshogchen Düpa Drubchö was held at Mindrolling. This seven-day drubchö takes place each year at Mindrolling during the auspicious month of the Buddha’s Descent from Devaloka. The great Kama’i Drubpa consists of the great sadhanas of Gyutrul Zhiwa, Gyutrul Throwo, Tshogchen Düpa, Lung Lug Tshedrub and Yangdag Lhagu. These sacred and profound sadhanas are performed simultaneously in five different shrine rooms. Bringing an unceasing downpour of blessings, these great sadhanas continue to be practiced authentically with great devotion.

This year’s drubchö coincided with the monastery opening again for the senior lay community to make circumambulations of the Stupa and Monastery. After a year and a half, on the sacred day of Lhabab Düchen, amidst great rejoicing, the elderly lay community were permitted to enter the sacred environment of Mindrolling for circumambulations and prostrations.

The entire campus of Mindrolling has remained closed for public for the last twenty months due to the Pandemic.
