Founders of Mindrolling

Mindrolling Commemorative Book (1-tn)In this opening chapter of the Mindrolling Commemorative Book, you may view photos and read biographies of the founders of Mindrolling in Tibet—Terdag Lingpa and Lochen Dharmashri—as well as previous trichens and khenchens. Photos and biographies of the founders of Mindrolling in India—Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen, Kyabje Dzongnang Rinpoche and Kyabje Khochhen Rinpoche are also included.

Book Design & Realisation: Xpressions Print & Graphics Pvt Ltd, Dehradun, India
Online Presentation: Dharmashri / Mindrolling International Web & Media
Copyright ©2015-19 Dharmashri Group, Pema Gatsal
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