Classroom Expansion and Monks Hostel Building Inaugurated

The monks from 1st to 8th grade in the Mindrolling Secondary School at the Mindrolling Monastery in India are now attending classes in a recently completed new building which houses 10 classrooms, an office and a seminar room. These 10 new classrooms with all modern facilities provided a much-needed upgrade for the monks to study and practice through the year.

Together with the school building, a second renovation was also recently completed on the junior monks living quarters. In place of previous large dormitories that housed 70 to 80 younger monks, the new living quarters have been redesigned into several smaller living quarters, each providing space for 6 to 8 beds per room. The roof on the building was also redesigned with a solar thermal barrier that reflects heat away in order to provide a more comfortable and eco-friendly living environment. New shower and bath facilities have also been built.

All these renovations and building projects, completed under the direction of Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, were made possible through Mindrolling International Charitable Projects. Rinpoche and the Charitable Projects continue to provide much needed expansion and improved facilities for the growth and flourishing of the activities of Mindrolling in India.

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