Calendar 2023

Year of the Water-Rabbit – 2023–2024

Important Dates & Ceremonies

21 FebruaryLosar – Tibetan New Year of the Water-Rabbit
22 FebruaryAnniversary of Parinirvana of His Holiness Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen
01 MarchCommencement of 7-day Thukje Chenpo Drubchen marking the Parinirvana of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen
07 MarchChotrul Düchen – Occasion of Great Miracles
15 MarchCommencement of 10-day Kagyed Drubchen
23 MarchAnniversary of Terdag Lingpa
31 MarchThe Great Tse Chu Ceremony and Ritual Dances
24 MayCommencement of 7-day Vajrasattva Drubchö
27 MayNewly admitted monks join the monastery
04 JuneSaga Dawa – Day of Buddha Shakyamuni’s Enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana
17 JuneAnniversary of Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche
18 JuneAnniversary of Khenchen Ngawang Khyentse Norbu
26 JuneCommencement of 3-day Tel-da Tse Chu Ceremony
03 JulyDzam Ling Chi Sang – Universal Prayer Day
06 JulyBirthday of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
21 JulyCelebration of the Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
01 AugustCommencement of the 45-day Yarne Retreat
15 AugustIndependence Day of India
02 SeptemberTibet Democracy Day
09 SeptemberCommencement of 3-day Drubchö of the Dharmapalas
02 OctoberGandhi Jaynti
26 OctoberSacred Ritual Dance of Tsa Cham
30 OctoberCommencement of 7-day Ka Ma’i Tshogchen Düpa Drubchö
04 NovemberLha Bab Dü Chen – Day of Buddha’s Descent from Devaloka –
Commemoration of the inauguration day of the World Peace Stupa
18 NovemberCommencement of 5-day Drubchö of the Three Great Protectors Gyalpo, Lha and Tsan
22 NovemberFounder’s Day of the Mindrolling Shedra – Do Gyüd Lekshe Ling
09 DecemberCommencement of 3-day Vajrakilaya Tordok
10 DecemberCommemoration day of the Nobel Peace Prize to H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
14 DecemberAnniversary of Minling Chung Rinpoche
18–19 DecemberNgenpa Gu Dzom: Nine Bad Omens occurring together
20 DecemberCommencement of 3-day Guru Drakpo Tordok
01 JanuaryNew Year 2024
04 JanuaryCommencement of 7-Day Kagyed Thorol Drubchö
06 January59th Founder’s Day of Mindrolling Monastery in India
11 JanuaryCommencement of the 34th 10-day Great Nyingma Mönlam at Bodh Gaya
26 JanuaryRepublic Day of India
28 JanuaryAnniversary of the Omniscient Longchen Rabjam
02 FebruaryCommencement of 7-day Yamantaka Tordok
10 FebruaryLosar 2024 – Tibetan New Year of the Wood-Dragon

Photo credit: Ritual dancers during drubchö at Mindrolling Monastery ©2015-2023 Mindrolling International